There are numerous doubts about the resilience of the Covid-19 Virus, which is spreading all over the world.

Cleaning agencies have been in the cleaning industry for years and have established cleaning techniques and systems to clean every house safely, which professional cleaners will continue to do.

Having a cleaning specialist in your house is inherently safer than engaging with any other worker. Cypress cleaning professionals have little to no social engagement with the general population. In reality, many homes are cleaned when no one is there.

What Precautions Do You Take In The Usual Course Of Business?

Cleaners have devised cleaning techniques that will make your house cleaner and healthier. Keeping your home clean is the first prevention line against not just Covid-19 but any other infection.

  • Professional cleaners utilize microfiber, which absorbs more than standard cleaning cloths.
  • Professional cleaners do not reuse microfiber cloths from one house to another since each crew carries enough microfiber cloths to clean each residence.
  • To minimize cross-contamination, microfibers are color tagged.
  • In a workplace, microfibers are washed individually (by color) daily.
  • In a workplace, microfibers are washed individually (by color) daily.
  • Each team’s vacuums (upright and canister) are real HEPA filtered and can trap up to 99.97% of all airborne particles.
  • At the end of each shift, vacuums are cleaned and sanitized.
  • Hand sanitizer is kept at the workplace as well as in automobiles.

What Further Precautions Have You Taken?

Bee Maids cleaning technicians have also been educated in hand hygiene techniques that reduce the possibility of illness or cross-contamination.

All the employees, like those in other businesses, have been told to stay at home if they or any members of their family are ill.

What Further Precautions Have You Taken?

  • Cleaning technicians have also been educated in hand hygiene techniques that reduce the possibility of illness and cross-contamination.
  • All the employees, like those in other businesses, have been told to stay at home if they or any members of their family are ill.
  • The cleaning team has been addressed, and they will be reminded of the best ways to reduce the danger of viral transmission in the future.
  • Each crew member will apply hand sanitizer before and after entering and departing each customer’s house when they arrive.

As an added precaution, Professional cleaners have cleaning wipes in the vehicles.

In the event of a hand sanitizer scarcity, Professional cleaners have previously purchased enough isopropyl alcohol and travel size spray bottles for the cleaning technicians to have on hand at all times.

Each team member will wear a new set of disposable nitrile gloves, which will be discarded when they leave your house.

Professional cleaners are included in the 10-point virus buster program (worth $40+), with every Professional cleaner undertaken for current clients.

  • Switches for lighting
  • knobs on doors
  • Faucets
  • chair swivels
  • railings for stairs
  • appliance knobs
  • cabinet knobs and drawer handles
  • Toilets
  • Countertop